Who we have worked with

Here are a few organisations that we have helped in some way, or worked with.

Eliza and serenity playing at the Kids Ark preschool
 Kids Ark

- Soraya started a preschool and now she also has a primary school
kids ark website


Branca is a nurse and has been regularly visiting a village called Sidara.  In 2004 we helped bring a tap to the centre of the village, and built and installed the first toilet and shower.

They were later able to begin a large community garden!  Awesome!

casa vida house of life
- a home for abused girls, run by some Brazilian missionaries.
They have started a lovely cafe which is very popular with foreigners.  The girls get training in the cafe as well as income.

Hiam Health
A Timorese organisation that works to prevent and monitor malnutrition.

Bairo Pite Clinic (Dr Dans clinic)
- The 2nd largest medical facility in the capital (Dili)
- WEC mission centre providing a playgroup, kids clubs, dancing classes, as well as English, Portuguese, Computer, and Music classes.  They are also visiting a few villages weekly to provide kids activities and health education.
wec east-timor

seeds of life timor

- an Australian government supported organisation working to improve the quality of local seeds
abc news - landline 2

Nazarene church

MAF East Timor (mission aviation fellowship)

Cynthia designed the log, and our truck sometimes delivers their drums into the mountains.

Dili iinstitute of technology