It was a big week for the Beto Training Centre. This week we
received delivery of a high quality roof from East Timor Roofing.
Ian and crew unloading the roof.
We also had a
visit from a couple of guys from Gold Coast & Kingscliff in Australia to
help install the roof. I’d like to thank the person who made a major
contribution for the purchase of the roof.
I’d also like to thank Rob who
organised things in Australia (but took a fall and couldn’t make it). Also a
big thanks to Ian, a talented man, who was brave enough to come and try his
hand at roofing. And also thanks to Shaun from NewLine Creations who
volunteered his time and expertise to guide us all on the job. Everyday I was
thankful to God that there were no major accidents or falls through this stage
of the work. In fact the biggest battle we had was with the heat and glare from
the roof. We drank gallons of water spiked with a variety of salts, sugars and
apple cider vinegar.
Shaun preparing the valley.
Roof taking shape
It is simply incredible the difference it makes to have a
roof on this place. Somehow it makes the end look achievable and it means that
we can all work in the shade and out of the rain. Next week, Anen and the crew
will finish off the roof with the skills they learnt and then focus on getting
the women’s sewing group into the training centre.
Drinking iced tea from a plastic bag!
Apoli really appreciated learning new skills
Roof nearly done.
Some of the crew - thanks guys!