When we arrived in 2008, we rented his 4 newest rooms built with concrete. While we were there, he built an extra room beside which became the kitchen and indoor bathroom (upper-class)
Towards the end of our time there, he began a room on top of the kitchen/bathroom.
Now he has built another 2 storey space beside that, and we are living in those newest 4 rooms. 2 bedrooms upstairs, a kitchen/bathroom and living space downstairs.
Our little kitchen has a small fridge, a gas cooktop on an old desk, a tap and a sink which sometimes holds water.
The photo to the right was taken in 2008
The new living space -with tiles and hand stencilled wall decoration. Straight ahead is the kitchen, through which you access the bathroom. (On the right, you cant see it in the photo, is an open window directly to our neighbours living space! The kids have fun peeking through it.)

The staircase - lovely and tiled! Only problem is the steps are all irregular heights - generally too tall! Oh and the idea of a landing....Do you really need one? Just step across the stairs. I would hate for one of us to break a leg from these. Please pray for safety! Perhaps one day we may suggest rebuilding them with a landing at the top.
Upstairs is our bedroom which has a lovely big wndow facing the coast. (Unfortunately the trees block any view or breeze... :( )
And to the left of the stairs is Serenity's bedroom/schoolroom. We may need to install some insulation as the roofing iron makes it pretty hot inside...
Our bathroom area has two parts. The older part with a water storage tank (Mozzie breeding facility). The newer fancy bathroom has a real shower that works, with hot water during the day - the pipes must be exposed to the sun.
The "upper class" sit-on-toilet, lacks a bit of beauty..
A good scrub helped a little but not as much as i would like. I think I'll have to buy some dreaded bleach and give it another try.
I think a toilet seat, and a working cistern with a lid would significantly improve the whole look.
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