We have tried to live for God, and always want to be prepared to go wherever he would want us.
Samuel grew up on a farm near Lismore, Northern NSW. He is a trained secondary school teacher in maths, science, christian studies & outdoor Ed. He also has a lot of building skills and experience.
Cynthia grew up on a hobby farm in a small village near Grafton, northern NSW. She is trained in fashion design & production, as well as fine arts (painting, printmaking and drawing). She currently homeschools our two our children, is studing Graphic Design and acts as assistant to Samuel in a variety of projects.
Serenity is very creative. She does normal schoolwork such as maths, English and history for 4-5 hours most week days. The rest of the day she is playing, childminding, and assisting Cynthia in a variety of ways. She is a valuable part of our work often acting as a translator for visitors.
Israel is an energetic, yet thoughtful little boy. He loves reading and playing computer games as much as running around . He also does school each day.
In 2006 we spent 18months living in a drug rehab called Sherwood Cliffs.
Here is a link to a newspaper article about the history of the place
Salvo pipeline mag 2008
In 2009, Samuel visited Timor with a friend from Grafton Salvation Army. They spent a busy 10 days coordinating and helping to establish a water project in a small village.
From 2010 we have lived in Timor for most of each year.
You can scroll through our "blog archives" (on the right) for more details about what we were involved in. Lots of adventures, some tears, and some laughter.
You can contact us by email;
Phone and mailing address In Australia
We usually stay at Cynthia's parents house. Their number is 0266452689
Phone contact in East Timor
- Samuel +670 7265305
Home Address - Beto Tasi (beh-torr tassy), near the small church at cemetery beach, just behind the eastern end of the runway.
Come and Visit Timor Leste!
We can assist/arrange accommodation, transport, food etc, and can also coordinate with other missionaries, NGO'S and/or local Timorese projects who would value your support and interest.
Timor Leste may sound like a scary place, but who else will come? I think Goliath was pretty scary! Of course God is bigger than Goliath, and he is bigger than your fears.
Come on over.....!!! :)
Bank Details
Name: Samuel A Bacon
Account number: 14670
BSB: 812 170