We have had 2 heavy downpours suggesting that the rainy season is beginning.
Our boat went on its first camping adventure. Some friends hired it for 4 days planning a trip east along the coast. The night before they left one of the friends pulled out ill, and Samuel asked if he could join them, so off they went.
They found some lovely camping spots tucked away, some great snorkelling and beautiful views of the island!
Back home, the sewing room is plodding along. We had Ange turn up again after 8 months maternity leave. She finds her way from the other side of town each day – dedication. She is the eldest daughter of one of our neighbours and has some great creativity.
Samuel also whipped up a set of lockers for motorbike helmets. This is to be installed at the Seeds of Life office. Building the frame wasn’t too stressful, but fitting 15 doors took some perseverance.
Other things – Israel just finished a course of antibiotics, and serenity is battling a re-occurring earache. We seem to get it under control with regular drops of a water/vinegar mix but then she goes swimming again and….anyway she is attempting not to swim for 2 weeks starting today. Wish her luck…the water is perfect – flat, warm, shallow.
Oh and how can i forget? We have been spoilt with some lovely whale watching – me and the kids have seen about 5 in 3 days from our dining room. Yesterday a huge one was cruising west about 200m out. We studied some identification details and are pretty convinced it was a blue whale, although it may have been a fin whale (similar to the blue whale but a bit smaller.) Just awesome!
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