We are doing well after a round of illnesses. Cynthia is back from her medivac and working on a new diet to improve her health. 
Xakira is just starting to walk and getting very adventurous. 
We also recently bought a lovely gas oven, which we are all excited by. Israel has just got glasses and devours any books that get close to him. What’s left of the books is often chewed up by Fudge the dog (Israel has a habit of leaving books everywhere).
Samuel signed up on a new contract with Seeds of Life for 2 years with a new title as Cropping Systems Advisor. This commits us to Timor Leste until January, 2016, at which time, Serenity would be 16 and staring down the barrel of senior high school! Serenity is also the family fashionista and somehow convinced her dad to allow her to dye her hair weird colours. 
Samuel finally finished the annual report of our activities in 2013. This is a great summary of some of our achievements in 2013. Well, God’s achievements? Depends if it was a good thing or not. Anyway, check it out if you like.Despite my great claims, I have not started building a training centre for Christian leaders. Instead, together with WEC and others we have begun teaching a course for Christian youth leaders – which at present amounts to 5 students. We hope it grows over time.