Its been very busy and I dont have time to tell you cool stories so lets let the picture tell the story…
The cool great wall finally came and is getting put to hard work – here its carrying palm leaves for a little cubby-come-guest accommodation.
Some holey sheet (dont say it too fast) 100 of them, finally came from China to make more seed screens. At $10 a pop it saves Tobias a lot of drilling. My mate Tobias will attach timber frames before they go to farmers to prepare seed – part of Seeds of Life.
Cynth taking art classes – shes very good at what she does.
25000 Scriptures finally arrived for Wycliffe. We’ve got about 6000 now so we’ve got plenty to do in getting them out to the people. Plus it keeps the great wall busy.
Polenta (ground corn) is another food product being done by a group in Los Palos to develop small business. Looks great in the packaging but has subsequently grown weevils. whoops.
Piloting a pizza oven for another brain wave of ours together with Chris Hollonds and the Ahisaun group.
We had a great group of folks from Brisbane area come to tour the country and be our friends – thanks guys. They took Serenity for a hike up Mt Ramelau, over 3000m high (Kozzie is around 2200m). Pretty cold up there. Serenity did it a lot barfeoot.
The top of Ramelau with a nice statue of Mary.
Back home, Jack tries in vain to work out how to open a coconut. Eventually Emmy sets him straight.
Hopefully next time I can write you a better story, sooner.